Coconut Brie Brunch Biscuits

I love brunch. No, I adore brunch. Not enough good things can be said about brunch. Brunch is MAGIC.

Butter. Coconut. Brie. Love.

Let’s look at the facts. For what other meal are you encouraged to:

  1. Leisurely sleep in
  2. Saunter to a restaurant in pajamas (okay, not encouraged, per se, but accepted?)
  3. Eat eggs benedict! (my one true egg love)….AND….
  4. Drink cocktails before 4pm without being judged


Seriously. Seriously?? That’s what I thought.

Being a brunch person, I’ve put in my time researching Dallas brunch places. Last weekend, I brunched (verb? yes) at Malai Kitchen on the recommendation of D Magazine.

I CANNOT get over that ooey gooey cheese flowing out of these buttery biscuits. Ahh!

Malai Kitchen serves Thai food. You might think this would make for a strange brunch place, but what it really makes for is homemade coconut biscuits oh my wordddd. Shredded coconut flakes inside buttery biscuits, which were really just the base for poached eggs (for eggs benedict!!!)!

So yeah. I made some. With brie. Which I’m casually announcing but not feeling very casual about at all, since I also LOVE brie. But I feel like my love for things might be discredited if I love too many things, so I’m trying to calm it down.

I also added coconut cream. Love! Okay, I’ll stop now.

I highly recommend eating these with melted butter and honey drizzled on top.

Just, make these? For brunch? And then invite me over please! Also, want to know more random things about me (as if you don’t already know too much)? I finallyyy updated my page to reflect my favorite TV shows. So important.

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“Do you smell…bread?”

I asked, swiveling my head back and forth as I searched for the source of the now-familiar aroma. Katherine, also looking around, suddenly pointed across the street. “It’s a bread festival!” she shouted.

Yes indeed, ladies and gentlemen, in our quest to climb the Notre-Dame tower today, Kat and I actually stumbled across a French bread festival! La Fête du Pain is a Bread Festival that takes place every year around May 16th, the day honoring Saint Honoré, the patron saint of bakers (This information is actually all off of the website…I had wanted to say that the bread festival was in honor of my visit, but I figured that I should attempt to provide reliable information).

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