Goliard Travel


What is the Goliard?

The definition of the word Goliard is “a wandering student in medieval Europe.” In terms of my alma mater, Rice University, the Goliard is a travel scholarship open to any undergraduate student. It may also be the craziest scholarship known to mankind. I’m not joking. Each year, students submit a proposal – any proposal – for whatever they want to do. Past proposals include: cage diving with sharks, playing the ukulele across Western Europe, and hot air ballooning in Spain.

My proposal? 3 Pastries a Day! I proposed a tour across Europe where I would take pastry classes at the finest pastry schools in the world, while, of course, also eating as many delectable pastries as possible. The Goliard Board was kind/crazy enough to grant me this amazing opportunity. So, in June of 2012, I embarked on my pastry journey. I originally started this blog to document my trip across Europe – everything I ate, baked, and experienced.

When I returned back to the United States, though, I realized that I wanted to continue my blog. So now, this blog is a place for me to post recipes, my random thoughts, and pictures of food porn.

But, I will never ever forget my absolutely incredible month abroad. On this page, I’ve organized blog posts from my trip by country for any interested parties. Grab a seat and read away!

Note: I would highly recommend having pastries at the ready. You’re pretty much guaranteed to get hungry. =)





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