Salmon Burgers with Guacamole


Guys. I’m done with the Whole 30. Where’s the nearest donut shop?? …just kidding! Like I don’t already have that information completely memorized. Hah, no. Actually, I’ve been trying to stick with most of the Whole 30/Paleo food principles – meat, fish, lots and lots of veggies, nuts, good fats, and limited fruits. So, you ask (fine, I’m asking), how’s that working out for me? Continue reading

My Life, Paleo/Whole30, & Mango Watermelon Salsa


Let’s talk about food, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about . . . anyone singing along right now? No, really, though, let’s discuss. Why have I been avoiding you? What have I been eating? Two exceedingly excellent questions. And, as it turns out, two questions that are inexplicably intertwined (Too much alliteration? Sorry).

The thing is, I haven’t really been eating much sugar lately. As in, no cake. Or cupcakes. Or froyo (is this my own personal version of hell?). Also, no alcohol. No pasta. NO CHEESE. Yes, the unimaginable has occurred: I’ve gone paleoContinue reading

Chocolate-Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies


Chocolate & Peanut Butter. Has a more perfect couple ever existed?


I suppose a (ridiculously strong) case could be made for chocolate and hazelnut, as in, NUTELLA. Oh, and there’s also caramel and sea salt (YUMMM). Peanut butter and banana! Catherine Giudici and Sean Lowe (My obsession with The Bachelor is teetering on insanity right now. Why in the world did ABC nix Bachelor Pad from their summer lineup? Cryyyyy)!!! Continue reading

Banana-Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies


Today is my lovely, beautiful sister’s birthday – Happy Birthday, Sharon! To celebrate this most joyous occasion, I decided to make an absolutely epic, multilayer, drenched/dipped/filled with chocolate cake. And then my plans were thwarted . . . by the birthday girl herself.


Oh yes, Sharon had the notion that the birthday girl (and not the baker) actually gets to choose the cake! The nerve. She dropped hints about wanting a small (WHAT) cake and a warm cake (I said I could microwave my ten-layer one) and finally, it came out that she wanted individual molten chocolate cakes. Which, okay, I absolutely love. But I was still a little sad about missing an opportunity to create a dessert masterpiece. Continue reading

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Muffins


Guys, I have really exciting news!!! This is huge. I mean, big time. Yeah, that’s right, the Playstation 4 was announced yesterday. Bring on the Killzone Shadow Fall.


Okay, sorry, I can’t even pretend. I just had to look up “Playstation 4 games” to find out the name of some popular games of this generation. I mean, my last game console was actually the original gray Playstation. I can’t even remember the name of my favorite game (It’s the one where you shoot the spaceships that line up and dive down at you. . . any ideas?).


But anyway, here’s the actual exciting news: My recipe was published in Cake Central Magazine this month! I contributed an article (quite similar to a blog post, actually) with a recipe and photos of a Strawberry Chantilly Cake inspired by my childhood. If you’re interested, you can check it out here (it’s the “strawberry sweetheart” mentioned on the front cover)!

Continue reading

Almond Joy Balls


As you read this post, I am probably terrified. Gripping the hand of my seatmate. Hurtling through the air at the speed of 576 mph. Oh, and also incredibly excited to descend upon the great city of New Orleans for Mardi Gras! Woohoo!!!

That’s right, Ragini (who you may remember from my Junk in the Trunk Cookies) and I are going to visit our friend Nisha, who is currently doing grad school smartypants things at Tulane! After asking Nisha the all-important questions of “What clothing should I bring?” and “Can we use your shampoo and conditioner?” (Either way, I was going to use hers . . . Spirit’s luggage fees are crazy!) I asked myself the next-most important question: What snacks should I bring?  Continue reading

Chocolate Covered Pretzel Cupcakes

I have a lot to talk about today. Like, tons of important issues.


First, I think we really need to discuss the winner of the Super Bowl yesterday. I am referring, of course, to BEYONCÉ. Oh my goodness, girl – sorry, I mean Sasha Fierce – KILLED it out there yesterday! Honestly, I was won over within the first 10 seconds of her act (I’m not really a hard sell), when she managed to stay standing in her skyscraper heels on that tiny platform . . . which, oh, right, was also moving. During that time, I tried to picture myself in Beyoncé shoes. Every scenario ended with me toppling over onto the ground. Which is why the organizers of the Super Bowl will never ask me to perform (because, clearly, I possess the necessary talent).


But in addition to Beyoncé’s extreme skill at standing, there was also holographic Beyoncé, and ripping-her-clothes-off Beyoncé, and, of course, this very highly anticipated reunion: Beyoncé and her live singing voice. Ooh, sorry, that was low of me. No, of course, I’m talking about the reunion of Destiny’s Child(!), which occurred for about a minute. But oh, what a beautiful minute. Continue reading

American Idol Microphone Cupcakes


Happy New Year, everyone!!! Where have you been, guys? Oh wait, that’s me. Sorry for my blogging absence! New Year lazicraziness and all that. But hey, it’s still January! And, as such, I think it’s a great time for a check-in on New Year’s Resolutions.

This is a bit of a special year for me. I don’t generally make resolutions since, well, I’d rather not disappoint my optimistic January 1st self with the smashing cheese fries in my face January 25th self.


But, like I said, this is not just any year. As in, this is my last half-year of freedom before I enter law school! Oh boy. Thus, I have carefully constructed a set of resolutions that more resembles a bucket list – you know, an “I’ve always wanted to do blank” list. Continue reading

Santa’s Cookies!

When describing my perfect day, I leave it to the expert, Buddy the Elf: “First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then we’ll snuggle.”


Oh yes, I love pretty much everything about this season, especially today, which, hello, is Christmas! Merry Christmas, everyone!!! I wish all of you a time of rest, relaxation, and never-ending Christmas cookies with family and friends. Continue reading